Adonkia Community Adult School continues to be a vibrant opportunity in the community. When we visited them in 2018 they had great hopes of developing and moving forward. They wanted to be able to develop the following:
more places made available
crèche facility
numeracy classes
opportunity to learn skills such as batik, tailoring, basic mechanics, decorating, wood working etc
As we are a small charity we could not promise to do all of this. However Adonkia Adult School under the guidance of Abdulai manages to move forward in a way that is almost seamless and acceptable to all.
Over the last year many of the pupils wanted to develop entrepreneurial skills which would allow them to earn some small income. Thus they were taught ‘gara dyeing’, embellishment of sandals and basic tailoring skills.

There are unfortunately problems in marketing items for the school in the UK. However I am sure Adonkia Adults will rise to the challenge and find ways to create a small marketing enterprise.
During the year, two treadle sewing machines and crafting items have been bought. Fatamata has joined the skeleton part volountary staff as a skills trainer. When we visit in 2020 we hope to join in a craft training class.
The original adult pupils will have been enrolled for two years. Some students believe that after two years they should make way for new students whilst others would like three years. Abdulai has requested that in February 2020 we have a forward planning meeting.