by Abdulai Sankoh
Ambassador Alec Russell Education Trust
My visit to Makeni was a remarkable one, ARET is presently supporting a boy by the name of Kemoh who is one of the beneficiaries from Rogbonko Village community. He was enrolled at the UNIMac University Makeni last academic year through the support of ARET . Kemoh had completely lost educational hope because his mother just could not consider letting him drop his work in the fields to study for university entrance exams let alone be able to afford his University fees. But sometimes dreams actually do take shape and happen.

According to the Dean of Campus Madam Vic and his Head of Department he is quite impressive on his academic achievement, which is a credit to him, his village and ARET. I strongly recommend that support for Kemoh continues. During the course of his education he is able to contribute towards his community and no doubt on the completion of his degree be able to advise and mentor other young hopefuls. His present status is good and he is willing, ready and eager to continue his education through the support of ARET.
It is also worth noting that Kemoh’s landlady was reluctant to rent rooms to students but because of Kemoh’s polite and respectful manner and his dedication to his studies she has reviewed this policy and welcomes other students.
Extra Curricular Study Class for Promising Junior Secondary Pupils.
My visit continued to Rogbonko Village community itself, where ARET is also supporting young teenagers with additional study and revision classes. This is the dream of a village teacher named Abass Fornah. I Abdulai Sankoh ARET REP Sierra Leone officially handed over some financial support to Abass following a request from him for support through ARET to buy some stationaries and small battery powered lamps for the students to study at night, as the village is completely in darkness. At night, there is no power at all and the use of candles is too risky because, almost all of them live in homes with thatched roofs.

During my one night stay, pupils were on weekend holidays and I was unable to observe classes but did meet and talked with some of the students. They were so thankful for the support they were having from ARET. They have made a promise that they will continue to attend the evening classes as its had made such an impact on their academic performance. Abass also extend his gratitude to ARET who have also provided text books for the students, uniforms, shoes and a blackboard.

(Since this report has been submitted ARET agreed to finance two additional tutors with Secondary Qualification in specific subjects and a Study Camp near the exam dates, Included in the study support is a feeding programme for the students. )
Adonkia Adult Class
The Adonkia Community Adult School was officially opened last year May 2018 by Abdulai Sankoh ARET REP, Sierra Leone. This was a dream come true for many community adults who had been deprived of education by one or a combination of the following: family elders, parents, war and Ebola. The school experiences great support from ARET and is a big success in the community. The adults school has benefited from vocational training equipments such a sewing machines, local materials to design necklaces, slippers and bags. A popular training class is the Sierra Leone traditional cloth called GARA TIE DYING . The students are praying to have more support from ARET as this adult school with the vocational training skills (especially for the women), is a stepping stone towards a new direction in their lives.
I , Abdulai Sankoh ARET REP Sierra Leone am so pleased and consider myself to be fortunate to work with ARET. This charity has and still is playing a vital roll in providing and improving the educational support many people have been waiting for. Not only has there been educational opportunity but a very strong support system for those who acknowledge their illiteracy and are determined to learn.

God bless Sierra Leone and God bless ARET.

The ladies dance on the beach.